City councilor Michelle Wu read the report cover to cover. In an email to constituents, she summarized the report, spelled out what it means for those of us here in the Northeast US, and connected it to work of our city government.
Some of that work will be a little easier to accomplish in the wake of Boston being named a winner of the Bloomberg American Cities Climate Challenge. From the city’s press release:
The City will receive a support package, valued at up to $2.5 million, to increase low-carbon mobility choices and improve energy performance of Boston's building sector.No step in the right direction, however small, is useless, nor does it happen in isolation.
For more on the news that’s been coming fast and furious, take a look at my Hot Planet Project blog post Doom and hope, which points to commentary about the IPCC report, the need for avoiding despair, and why the political process is critical for tackling the crisis.