Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Help the climate and your wallet – and maybe win a mug

Find out about getting your electricity from the sun, then tell us you did and you could win a GreeningRozzie travel mug!
See how much electricity you can generate from solar panels on your roof – and how much money you’ll earn from generating electricity, how much money you’ll save by not buying electricity and how much credit you’ll get on your taxes.
Enter your information to receive free quotes, including a breakdown of all the numbers, from solar installers screened by EnergySage. If you sign up with one of the installers through GreeningRozzie’s portal on EnergySage’s website and get solar panels on your roof, you'll also get a $250 cash back bonus.
Come see GreeningRozzie at the Roslindale farmers market this Saturday, the 4th, and next Saturday, the 11th. We’ll be sharing a table with Mothers Out Front.
Stop by the table and tell us that you’ve signed up to find out about solar, or email us at to enter the drawing for a travel mug.

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